
  • The Institute Has been fortunate in having dynamic leaders, great technicians with vision spearheading the institute to great heights.

  • Well equipped computer lab satisfies the students' quest for excellence in these fields and motivates them to experiment tirelessly.

  • he institute has come to be acknowledged top in Infrastructure and facilitates provided to the students. Student exposed to spacious class rooms, computer lab, workshops, practical hall and play ground.

  • Life is not about certificates and careers. A complete life comprises a little fun and humor too. The institute games special attention to it and organizes various cultural activities, annual sports and games, exhibition, Annual day, teacher's Day etc., and other occasions provide a platform to the students to display their creative prowess.

  • Little Flower hostel is Located in the picturesque. The institute provides excellent hostel facilities for boys. it is apt place for students to grow in an integral way.

  Important Website :

1.    SCTE & VT
2.     DTET
3.     DGET
4.     Govt. of Odisha
5.     Govt. of India
6.     Odisha Tourism
7.      Incredible India

Notice / Announcement :

Stay Touch With Us

Little Flower Industrial Training Center

Post. Box No. 18, Raghunathpur, Baripada, Pin-757001,
Mayurbhanj Dist., Orissa, Telephone No. : (06792) 257752, 255261
Mobile No: 9437609698 / 9437075370, Email ID : littlefloweritc@gmail.com


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