
To provide an excellent quality and need based technical education with enough focus on development of individual potential and faculty so that they will acquire a technical competence synonymous with human dignity and values.

To reduce unemployment among the educated youth by providing them employable training, to cultivate and nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the minds of the younger generation.

  Important Website :

1.    SCTE & VT
2.     DTET
3.     DGET
4.     Govt. of Odisha
5.     Govt. of India
6.     Odisha Tourism
7.      Incredible India

Notice / Announcement :

Stay Touch With Us

Little Flower Industrial Training Center

Post. Box No. 18, Raghunathpur, Baripada, Pin-757001,
Mayurbhanj Dist., Orissa, Telephone No. : (06792) 257752, 255261
Mobile No: 9437609698 / 9437075370, Email ID : littlefloweritc@gmail.com


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